Monday, November 9, 2020

GS 26 Drug Den in Dylath-Leen and Bloodwind Ship Approaches


Night Hag Heartstone - a special gemstone worth at least 1,800 gp that is worn as a periapt. A heartstone’s magic is fueled by the hag’s spirit and proximity—once separated from its owner (or upon the hag’s death), a heartstone retains its magic for only 24 hours before becoming a nonmagical gem again. The heartstone instantly cures any disease contracted by the holder. In addition, a heartstone provides a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws (this bonus is included in the statistics block above).


 The party casts the Dreamlands Excursion Occult Ritual Spell and arrive in a sumptuous drug den in the city of Dylath-Leen. Here they attempt to appease Quavendra, an imperious Night Hag to get her Heartstone. She offers it to them if they help determine who is the would-be assassin. Then they find out the assassin is actually trying to kill her because she is stealing real people's souls. They end up killing the Night Hag and taking her Heartstone. 

Drug Den

Once back on the Sellen Starling ship, the party does the ritual once again to obtain the Captain's Tricorne. But this time it appears the spell failed? They are back were they came from?!? They go back on main deck and notice that Captain Skywin is acting odd. As they search around they see the Bloodwind approaching.. And they find all their gear from the Dreamlands! As they get their gear and prepare for combat, they see Skywin snap her head back and howl, her limbs elongate and darken as her mouth bristles with fangs. In a heartbeat, the Dreamlands reflections of the little captain now has become a hulking beast of shadow, claws, and teeth!

Bloodwind Ship

Captain Vadrack's Tricorne

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