Monday, May 11, 2020

Game Session 8 - Tatterman Gonna Get You - Book 1, Part 3, Episode 3


The coal and chalk marked pages decorating the final wing of rooms that had text on their backsides. Dr. Twitch and friends spend an hour collecting all the pages in this room and then an additional 6 hours placing them in the proper order... The resulting book is a Book of Extended Summoning (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 283) keyed to chaotic alignment.

Ulver Zandalus Gear
+1 Light Mace
Oil of Magic Weapon
Potion of Bear's Endurance
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Potion of Invisibility

The Tatterman Gear
+1 War Razor
Ring of Protection +1
A set of Badly Soiled Stripes of Cloth..

Oneirogen's Gear
3 pairs of badly soiled patients robes...


The party is between 3 Oneirogen's spewing large volumes of the yellow mist into the room that is mainly rolling out into the open wall to the North. While the south wall has a haunt that really wants to party to stare at the drawings...
Once Muldor gets the Oneirogen's to attack him the party makes short work of them.
Then they start to go down a long hallway, which at the end they see Ulver Zandalus, who appears to be an animated body that does some spell casting and fighting. The party makes short work of him as well... Only to find in his place is the Tatterman!

Now the Tatterman has a number of powers which made the combat somewhat complicated and all the players started googling why he seemed so over powered. In the forums, we found a number of different results regarding how a group of level 3 players dealt with a supposed CR 5 creature that had some seriously powerful abilities. Initially most of the players became Panicked due to the aura's. So the Tatterman chases the party through the asylum and then they fight him right outside the Shrine to Pharasma.

The Forums had comments like: forum says he's underpowered, yet a lot of GM's said he TPK'ed their parties...

The Tatterman! 2 Auras, DR, Regen, and butt load of spells!

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