Monday, November 16, 2020

GS 27 - Sellen River Boat Fight, Pirates?


Bloodwind Folding Boat

5 Grizzled Mercenaries bound to the Ship


The party has a big fight with a Nightguant, Wraith, Denizen of Leng Pirate Captain, and 8 Grizzled Mercenaries. After defeating the Captain, the remaining 5 Grizzled Mercs give up, asking if they can get back to their backgammon game...

The Bloodwind Notes

Created by inscrutable moon-beasts for their denizen of Leng servants, the Bloodwind is an intelligent and mean spirited vessel. The party cannot take the vessel back to the waking world.
SLOT none CL 10th WEIGHT 4 lbs. AURA moderate transmutation
Intelligence 12 Wisdom 14 Charisma 10 Ego 13
Language speech (Aklo, Common)

This folding boat is made of rich, dark wood and a sail of blood-red cloth. In its ship form, it is the size of a longship, with 20 sets of oars and manacles to keep slave rowers in place. When in ship form, the Bloodwind can create a gust of powerful wind behind its sails as from a feather token (fan). This ability lasts for only 1 hour, and can be used once each day. The Bloodwind’s special purpose is to serve the moon-beasts of Leng as a slave ship. When called by the moon-beasts’ eerie piping, which the Bloodwind can hear from anywhere in the Dreamlands, it can sail through the air as with overland flight to the Dreamlands’ mysterious moon.

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