Monday, August 31, 2020

GS 17 - Ileana bites the dust, Party investigates Iris Hill Manor Main Room


3 bars of Soul Soap

4000 gp worth of paintings, sculptures, etc.


The party starts to investige the buildings of Iris Hill. As they investigate the main building they fight a Hound of Tindalos, which hurts Ileana to the point that she bleeds out. Victor takes her body to the New Chapel. This center of Pharasma's worship has Priestees Trillis Mavaine. There the party also meets up with Winter Klaczka, who decides to join the party and help them out.

Monday, August 24, 2020

GS 16 - The NPCs Step Up, and the Iris Hill Militia Come Out to Parlay


2 mwk battleaxes

2 heavy crossbows

6 potions of cure moderate wounds

2 breastplate

2 quivers of 10 bolts


4 potions of vanish

4 +1 chain shirts

4 mwk daggers

4 mwk rapiers

4 silver unholy symbols of Hastur

4 spell component pouches

1600 gp worth of jewelry and fine clothing (from the 4 cultists bodies)

mithril shirt

mwk dagger

Thieve's tools

Gold necklace and bracelet (350 gp)

wand of scorching ray (13 charges)

mwk dagger

amulate of natural armor +1

ring of protection +1

pearl earrings (200gp)

key to the trunk that blew up (wouldn't have helped...)

24 nobles outfits (worth 75 gp each) (certain number were damaged and soaked in wine...)

1800 gp worth of rings, bracelets, brooches, and necklaces

small box of incense

4 tindertwigs

block of incense of meditation

Book titled Argument Against Reality

Book Titled: Delusion: A Pact with Sanity

Book Titled: Esoteric Delves into the Waking Mind

Book Titled: Mystical Sites of Eastern Casmaron


The party was in mid combat when we last stopped. So now the pick up where they left off. As they fight the plants and guards. 2 groups of Kuru Thugs come out of the back house to fight. Also 3 cultists come out to help assist the thugs. Ultimately the party kills all of them.

Since they still have buffs on, they rush into a Victorian building and kill the 2 would-be assassins. They rush up and spring a trap in one of the trunks.

Then the go to the carriage house and find a large pit! They find a haunt that they take out. Then fight another plant in the second floor. They find a number of interesting books, and fortunately avoid the nasty effects of a Sepia Snake Sigil trap!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Game Session 15 - Comedy of Sleepless Stupidity


Wand of cure moderate wounds (14 charges)

Wand of invisibility (9 charges)

2 Padzahr

Striped Toadstool

Tanglefoot Bag

Mithral Chain Shirt


Hand Crossbow with 8 Bolts

mwk Rapier

Key to the gatehouse double doors

mwk Thieves Tools

2 Sunrods

143 gp


The party gets attacked by an assassin that tried to hit with a couple of crossbow bolts before she is killed. The spend the night at the Sleepless Building and agree to allow Cesadia Wrentz, Trilliss, and Erick to tag along. 

They get to the front door of Iris Hill Estate. Then the comedy of horrors combat begins! With Erick attempting to climb a hedge that can be easily walk through. And Cesadia falls into the pit with the Kuru Barbarians...

Monday, August 10, 2020

Game Session 14 - Inspection of Fort Hailcourse


Cloak of Elvenkind
+1 Dagger of returning dagger
1,268 gp
142 sp
343 cp
22 sp, 88 gp, and 3 freshwater pearls (worth 100gp each)
all the dinner-wear on the dining table: goblets, plates, cutlery, etc. (worth 250gp, big bag to hold..)
a scroll of blink
a scroll of cat's grace
a scroll remove  disease
a scroll of silent image
a scroll of zone of truth
a scarlet and blue sphere ioun stone
a number of documents related to Count Lowls IV
a bookmark of deception
a book of dreamlands, explaining the various denizens of that otherwordly realm
a potion of non-detection
a scroll of protection from energy
a wand of death knell 18 charges - (With the doctor's initials!)
120 gp
6 pp


The party completes their investigation of Fort Hailcourse, fighting a ghost and then discovering the history of the ghost in the court papers. The find information regarding Count Haserton Lowls IV about a book he has called The Revelations of Hali

The search the dock and fight a gibbering mound, after which they find a bundle of items that the Doctor had put there earlier.

Then they figure out how the Star Stelea Pillars work. In which they can be used to teleport to other parts of the city, or to a specific City in the Dreamlands...

GS 46 - The Undercity

 Now that the party has found the 3 Star Stelia, they are now helping defeat all the bad guys in Neruzavin. Here they go underground and sta...