Monday, August 24, 2020

GS 16 - The NPCs Step Up, and the Iris Hill Militia Come Out to Parlay


2 mwk battleaxes

2 heavy crossbows

6 potions of cure moderate wounds

2 breastplate

2 quivers of 10 bolts


4 potions of vanish

4 +1 chain shirts

4 mwk daggers

4 mwk rapiers

4 silver unholy symbols of Hastur

4 spell component pouches

1600 gp worth of jewelry and fine clothing (from the 4 cultists bodies)

mithril shirt

mwk dagger

Thieve's tools

Gold necklace and bracelet (350 gp)

wand of scorching ray (13 charges)

mwk dagger

amulate of natural armor +1

ring of protection +1

pearl earrings (200gp)

key to the trunk that blew up (wouldn't have helped...)

24 nobles outfits (worth 75 gp each) (certain number were damaged and soaked in wine...)

1800 gp worth of rings, bracelets, brooches, and necklaces

small box of incense

4 tindertwigs

block of incense of meditation

Book titled Argument Against Reality

Book Titled: Delusion: A Pact with Sanity

Book Titled: Esoteric Delves into the Waking Mind

Book Titled: Mystical Sites of Eastern Casmaron


The party was in mid combat when we last stopped. So now the pick up where they left off. As they fight the plants and guards. 2 groups of Kuru Thugs come out of the back house to fight. Also 3 cultists come out to help assist the thugs. Ultimately the party kills all of them.

Since they still have buffs on, they rush into a Victorian building and kill the 2 would-be assassins. They rush up and spring a trap in one of the trunks.

Then the go to the carriage house and find a large pit! They find a haunt that they take out. Then fight another plant in the second floor. They find a number of interesting books, and fortunately avoid the nasty effects of a Sepia Snake Sigil trap!

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