Monday, September 28, 2020

GS 20 Say Goodbye to Thrushmoor


Pnakotic Manuscripts - An ancient Aklo text that contains info about portals and conjuration magic. 10 pounds, 500 pages of parchment. Also includes info on flying polyps, yithians, and many other creatures associated with the gods of the Elder Mythos. pending a week of study grants the reader a +4 circumstance bonus on all knowledge checks pertaining to conjuration magic and the gods and magic of the Old Cults.

This book also contains the following spells: gate, greater teleport, greater planar binding, interplanetary teleport, lesser planar binding, planar binding, plane shift, teleport, teleport object, and teleportation circle.

Melisenn Kororo Loot

+1 chain shirt, +1 rapier, headband of inspired wisdom +2, ring of protection +1, silver unholy symbol of Hastur, powdered diamond (worth 400 gp)


The party defeats Melissan and learn a great deal about the Star Stelen Pillars. Learning that they want to trace the route of Count Lowls to Cassimer. They start a 2 1/2 month boat ride to Cassimer. They fight 4 Vooniths.

Monday, September 21, 2020

GS 19 Research Material Needed for Next Adventure

Loot from the Private Study

Slim spell book bound in red leather that contains the following spells:

blindness/deafness, dancing lights, detect thoughts, eagle's splendor, expeditious retreat, gust of wind, hypnotism, illusory wall, mirror image, owl's wisdom, protection from good, and shield.

Items Found in Lockable Trunk

Book of the Loremaster (Ultimate Equipment)

2 Scolls of Psychic Surgery (Occult adventures)

It also holds the following books:

Atop the Valley's Soul book

The Codex of Three Prescriptions

Curses of the Black Lake

Dichotomous Translations of Aklo Syntax

Elements Through the Spirals of time

Emotions of the Past

The Falling Silk

Festival of the Snake

The Forgotten Servants

The Illusion of the Weeping Ones

In Admiration of keeping Pacts

Manual of Silence

Men and Vultures: Denizens of the Darkened Depths and Dead Skies

Monuments of the Forest

The Shadow's Ship

Shards of Sight

Spiders of Sin and Sky

Theological Agreements of the Kingdom

Tigers and Flies

The Unified Manual of Understanding

Voyage of the Rainbow Servant

The Wise Harmony

Monday, September 14, 2020

GS 18 The Iris Hill Manor Exploration Continues...


Mnemonic Vestment

Chain Shirt

2 Scrolls of Sepia Snake Sigil

Scroll of See Invisibility

Composite Shortbow

20 Arrows

Short Sword

329 Gold Pieces

2 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds

2 Breastplates

2 Heavy Crossbows with 2 20bolt quivers

2 mwk Battleaxes

30 GP

2 Potions of Vanish

2 +1 Chain Shirts

2 Mwk Dagger

2 Mwk Rapier

2 Silver Unholy symbol of Hastur

2 Spell Component Pouches

800 GP worth of Jewelry and Fine Clothing

720 Gold Pieces

Pearl of Power (2nd Level)

Oil of Silence

Stone of Alarm

Parchment Describing a permit to visit an inmate at Briarstone Asylum

Stack of handwritten notes by Lowls that mentions the Mad Poet and to look for a book called the Necronomicon.

belt of mighty constitution +2

right of protection +1


The party continues to explore the Iris Hill Manor. In which there are still unexplored parts of the manor, and a tunnel that goes deep underground...

GS 46 - The Undercity

 Now that the party has found the 3 Star Stelia, they are now helping defeat all the bad guys in Neruzavin. Here they go underground and sta...